The action-packed Fire Power by Kirkman & Samnee #13 from superstars Robert Kirkman, Chris Samnee, and Matthew Wilson begins here with a first look at interior art from the upcoming new story arc.

After the shocking events of the last issue, Year Two of Fire Power begins as Chou Feng has been defeated and Wei Lun has retaken control of the Temple of the Flaming Fist. Owen Johnson is now able to return home to his life in St. Louis where everything has gone back to normal... right? No? Oh, dear... what now? And will it ruin the FIRST EVER Johnson Family Taco Night?
And why did the answer HAVE TO BE SNAKES?
Fire Power by Kirkman & Samnee #13 (Diamond Code MAY210085) will be available at comic book shops and digital platforms including Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, comiXology, and Google Play on Wednesday, July 7.
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