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POSTAL Redux available now on Nintendo Switch

POSTAL is making its first appearance on Console!

POSTAL Redux, an HD remaster of the classic 23-year-old twin-stick shooter, has just arrived on Nintendo Switch. More than just a remaster, POSTAL Redux (ported by the Polish porting house, MD Games) includes new levels and a challenging new gameplay mode called Rampage.

The game is available on the eShop for 9,99 USD/EUR, however, a lot of cool discounts await you. There is an initial time-limited launch promo for everyone. And what’s more, you can easily buy it cheaper. We’ve teamed up with a few Polish indie publishers and we’re happy to announce a 30% deep discount for POSTAL Redux for everyone, who has at least one of the following eShop titles:

Ritual: Crown of Horns (Feardemic)

Robonauts, Mana Spark, Blazing Beaks, Dex (Qubic Games)

Astro Bears Party, Astro Bears, The Way Remastered, 911 Operator, 911 Operator Deluxe Edition, VSR: Void Space Racing, Earthworms (Sonka)

Tactical Mind, FunBox Party, Island Maze, Drawngeon: Dungeons of Ink and Paper, Genetic Disaster, Mech Rage, Tardy, WeakWood Throne, Spirit Roots, The Great Perhaps, Archaica: The Path of Light (Drageus Games)


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