In its triumphant return to Sydney, Oz Comic-Con’s Homegrown event will showcase the latest and greatest that pop culture has to offer, giving attendees the chance to regroup with their super squad in the wake of lockdowns.
Boasting a stellar lineup, the Homegrown event features a range of celebrities from film and television (both in-person and virtual), authors, illustrators, cosplayers, content creators and immersive activations from film studios and partners.
With something for every pop culture fan, Oz Comic-Con is the perfect opportunity for fandoms to reunite or the perfect early Christmas present for your friend or family member who always wins the entertainment section of the pub quiz.
Below is an outline of the full guest and content creators list:
Film & Television Guests
Richard Roxburgh (Van Helsing, Moulin Rouge!, Rake)
Remy Hii (Spider-Man: Far From Home, Crazy Rich Asians, Marco Polo)
Danielle Cormack (Wentworth, Rake)
Dan Ewing (Love and Monsters, Occupation: Rainfall)
* Guests will be engaging in a range of autograph and photograph sessions throughout the weekend.
Virtual Film &Television Guests
Roger Craig Smith (Sonic the Hedgehog, Batman:Arkham Origins,Assassins Creed)
Colleen O’Shaughnessey (Sonic the Hedgehog, Danny Phantom)
John Barrowman (DoctorWho,Torchwood, Supernatural, Legends of Tomorrow)
Comic Authors & Illustrators
Nicola Scott
Andrew Constant
Jamie Johnson
Christopher Sequeira
Chewie Chan
Jan Sherpenhausan
Steve Kilbey (The Church)
Queenie Chan
Julie Ditrich
Daniel Piciotto
Louie Joyce
Ryan K Lindsay
Marcelo Baez
Jules Faber
Tim McEwan
David Kuraria
Alan Baxter
J.S. Breukelaar
Content Creators
Jayden Rodrigues
Soylent Cosplay
Oz Comic-Con Homegrown Sydney
WHEN: December 4th and 5th, 2021
WHERE: Sydney Showground, 1 Showground Road, Sydney Olympic Park
For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit