Oz Comic-Con Unveils A Stellar Lineup: Assemble Your Super Squad For The Ultimate Celebration Of Pop Culture
After an event that completely astonished Melbournians, Oz Comic-Con is set to back it up in Brisbane and Sydney this September. With just under two months to go, OZCC boasts a lineup of spectacular talent from both screen and page.
With panels from industry professionals and guests, the chance to rub shoulders with celebrities and a plethora of activities available for the whole family, Oz Comic-Con is truly an event not to be missed.
The guests announced for Brisbane and Sydney so far:
Film and TV Guests:
Hayley Atwell
Dominique Provost-Chalkey
Kat Barrell
Keiynan Lonsdale
Caitlin Glass
Aaron Dismuke
Sarah Weidenheft
Comic Illustrators and Authors:
Boss Logic
Nicola Scott
Dean Rankine
Wayne Nichols
Andrew Constant
Kylie Chan (Brisbane Only)
Maria Lewis (Sydney Only)
Alan Baxter (Sydney Only)

And whilst we immerse ourselves in the world of pop culture, it is important to note that in 2019, Oz Comic-Con and Cure Cancer Australia has joined forces to shine a light on the real superheroes of society – cancer researchers. Visitors to Oz Comic-Con will be given the option of donating to an incredible cause, with the aim of raising $100,000 for charity and funding the next earlycareer cancer researcher.
Event details:
Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre September 21st – 22nd
Sydney Oz Comic-Con: Sydney Olympic Park September 28th – 29th
For tickets and additional information visit www.ozcomiccon.com
Follow Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @OzComicCon for guest announcements and show updates.