Pen meets paper and a comic book superhero is created, but with his secret life looming in the shadows, there is much more to Professor Marston’s story than meets the eye. This is the story about feminism and the women who inspired one of the most influential and empowered heroes of our time.
The immortal Amazonian princess and demigoddess, Wonder Woman, has an origin story solidified through the legacy of DC comics, becoming a strong role model for feminism and equality since her introduction in the 1940’s. Hitting the $400M mark at the domestic box office at the beginning of the year, Wonder Woman was an instant success, especially following the backhand that Batman Vs. Superman and Suicide Squad so graciously gave us.
Before the release of Justice League in November, Angela Robinson presents the untold story of Wonder Woman, with her newest film Professor Marston and the Wonder Women. Robinson follows the story of Dr. William Moulton Marston, a professor at Radcliffe College who taught philosophy, who later came to creator of the famous comic book character.

The Wonder Woman comic hides countless callbacks to Marston’s life, which forced him in front of a trial in its earliest publication stages due to the heavy sexual and perverse themes that it carried. The famous polyamorous relationship and obsession with S&M forced Maston to create a life hidden from the public eye, though elements from his professional discipline are also found in the pages of the comics. As the inventor of the polygraph machine (most commonly known as the lie detector) one could assume the significance in the creation of Wonder Woman’s Lasso of truth, and multiple references to his DISC theory involving concepts of personal will, sense of power and human behavior.
The biopic tells the fascinating story of Marston (Luke Evans) and the polyamorous relationship he forms with his wife Elizabeth (Rebecca Hall) and his mistress Olive (Bella Heathcote). In its earliest publication stages, the Wonder Woman comic book was highly criticized for it’s perversity, placing Marston in front of a trial to answer to the heavy sexual themes that it carried.
Professor Marston & the Wonder Women is in limited release from November 9, 2017.